Hellmouth Community College Research Annex

From Golly.Life Wiki

The Hellmouth Community College Research Annex (colloquially known as The Annex) is a vast, isolated tract of inhospitable desert, located near the northern rim of the Hellmouth. It is a part of the Hellmouth Community College (HCC), and it features several research facilities. The headquarters of Golly (including the Commissioner's Office) are located in The Annex, as is the world-infamous Hellmouth Community College Greenhouse.


The Annex was originally unused land that was purported to contain cursed rocks, and through a series of unfortunate incidents, the deed for the land passed down to HCC, which lost track of it. When HCC chemistry instructors blew up the chemistry building for the fourth time, HCC began looking for a suitable place to relocate the chemistry department, and rediscovered the land deed and the land.

HCC announced that they were relocating the chemistry department to a new remote research facility. The Annex originally began as a way to save money by not having to build new chemistry buildings each time one blew up, but soon the idea became a huge success. Faculty from other departments began to flock to The Annex - including physics, horticulture, and arts and crafts.

Golly Headquarters

Golly Headquarters are located at the HCC Research Annex. Golly has been affiliated with HCC since its inception, and HCC provided Golly with space for its operations at the Annex. The HCC Research Annex has played an important role in helping to support the rapid expansion of Golly and house the massive bureaucratic machinery that it has spawned.