Template:DragonRankList SeasonAsOf Chron MM

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Dragon Cup. See {{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 1 / 20 95 % 30-19 61.2 % 1,497,035 1,237,923
S2 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 9 / 40 78 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,254,766 1,133,166
S3 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 57 / 60 5 % 19-30 38.8 % 1,209,070 1,477,973
S4 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 30 / 80 62 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,123,747 1,303,687
S5 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 97 / 100 3 % 17-32 34.7 % 1,239,879 1,267,902
S6 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 88 / 120 27 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,240,786 1,223,823
S7 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 29 / 140 79 % 28-21 57.1 % 962,381 1,106,318
S8 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 21 / 160 87 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,049,084 1,135,535
S9 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 49 / 180 73 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,090,067 1,220,433
S10 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 185 / 200 7 % 19-30 38.8 % 1,112,918 1,186,063
S11 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 61 / 220 72 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,138,102 1,089,244
S12 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 50 / 240 79 % 28-21 57.1 % 1,018,193 1,110,375
S13 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 252 / 260 3 % 18-31 36.7 % 945,181 1,100,548
S14 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 199 / 280 29 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,079,063 1,183,053
S15 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 174 / 300 42 % 24-25 49.0 % 1,098,150 1,183,621
S16 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 26 / 320 92 % 30-19 61.2 % 1,112,458 1,114,014
S17 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 136 / 340 60 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,299,390 1,151,637
S18 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 112 / 360 69 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,249,308 1,216,661
S19 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 33 / 380 91 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,254,352 1,245,111
S20 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 271 / 400 32 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,117,789 1,119,699
S21 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 217 / 420 48 % 24-25 49.0 % 1,323,163 1,256,652
S22 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 384 / 440 13 % 20-29 40.8 % 1,345,961 1,351,373
S23 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 258 / 460 44 % 24-25 49.0 % 1,150,122 1,244,605
S24 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 195 / 480 59 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,292,326 1,330,437