Template:DragonRankList SeasonAsOf Chron SGSC

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Dragon Cup. See {{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 6 / 20 70 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,144,157 1,178,801
S2 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 25 / 40 38 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,260,007 1,246,996
S3 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 30 / 60 50 % 24-25 49.0 % 1,242,670 1,319,464
S4 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 70 / 80 12 % 21-28 42.9 % 1,128,007 1,272,292
S5 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 6 / 100 94 % 30-19 61.2 % 1,237,426 1,089,135
S6 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 77 / 120 36 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,213,819 1,080,882
S7 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 20 / 140 86 % 28-21 57.1 % 1,368,172 1,146,224
S8 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 119 / 160 26 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,239,672 1,171,051
S9 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 158 / 180 12 % 20-29 40.8 % 1,223,090 1,332,446
S10 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 143 / 200 29 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,046,522 1,217,978
S11 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 23 / 220 90 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,165,077 1,091,205
S12 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 30 / 240 88 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,053,098 1,110,621
S13 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 161 / 260 38 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,219,609 1,086,443
S14 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 128 / 280 54 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,115,968 1,305,900
S15 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 229 / 300 24 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,159,091 1,154,955
S16 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 272 / 320 15 % 21-28 42.9 % 1,002,788 1,097,257
S17 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 149 / 340 56 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,174,794 1,219,411
S18 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 270 / 360 25 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,188,859 1,270,286
S19 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 32 / 380 92 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,271,917 1,213,804
S20 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 306 / 400 24 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,112,226 1,238,846
S21 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 203 / 420 52 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,078,196 1,291,369
S22 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 190 / 440 57 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,204,634 1,251,763
S23 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 321 / 460 30 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,077,768 1,100,422
S24 SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs 465 / 480 3 % 18-31 36.7 % 1,149,333 1,222,911