Template:DragonRankList SeasonAsOf Chron VB

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Dragon Cup. See {{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 5 / 20 75 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,065,488 1,221,854
S2 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 19 / 40 52 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,034,933 1,085,215
S3 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 19 / 60 68 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,235,872 1,225,743
S4 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 58 / 80 28 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,160,857 1,215,745
S5 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 76 / 100 24 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,069,623 1,086,820
S6 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 37 / 120 69 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,246,518 1,155,764
S7 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 101 / 140 28 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,051,451 1,146,871
S8 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 158 / 160 1 % 17-32 34.7 % 1,085,676 1,049,047
S9 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 139 / 180 23 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,063,136 1,242,857
S10 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 7 / 200 96 % 31-18 63.3 % 1,255,519 1,126,593
S11 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 49 / 220 78 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,380,333 1,221,329
S12 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 75 / 240 69 % 26-23 53.1 % 1,267,903 1,168,293
S13 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 121 / 260 53 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,106,045 1,317,040
S14 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 177 / 280 37 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,216,544 1,324,062
S15 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 18 / 300 94 % 30-19 61.2 % 1,313,240 1,193,921
S16 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 271 / 320 15 % 21-28 42.9 % 1,063,453 1,252,227
S17 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 189 / 340 44 % 24-25 49.0 % 1,168,214 1,128,008
S18 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 92 / 360 74 % 27-22 55.1 % 1,171,375 1,110,518
S19 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 285 / 380 25 % 22-27 44.9 % 1,207,530 1,261,301
S20 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 161 / 400 60 % 25-24 51.0 % 1,333,241 1,269,875
S21 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 33 / 420 92 % 29-20 59.2 % 1,372,649 1,130,013
S22 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 294 / 440 33 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,137,877 1,087,013
S23 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 278 / 460 40 % 23-26 46.9 % 1,339,848 1,326,999
S24 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 24 / 480 95 % 31-18 63.3 % 1,147,050 1,132,841