Template:HellmouthRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SGE

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to all seasons for all teams in the Hellmouth Cup. See {{HellmouthRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S16 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 193 / 420 54 % 25-24 51.0 % 6,557 6,526
S17 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 93 / 420 78 % 27-22 55.1 % 6,998 6,329
S18 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 102 / 420 76 % 27-22 55.1 % 6,786 7,017
S19 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 347 / 420 17 % 21-28 42.9 % 6,860 6,593
S20 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 295 / 420 30 % 23-26 46.9 % 6,040 7,563
S21 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 240 / 420 43 % 24-25 49.0 % 6,483 6,560
S22 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 161 / 420 62 % 25-24 51.0 % 7,236 6,377
S23 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 232 / 420 45 % 24-25 49.0 % 6,615 6,557
S24 SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers 377 / 420 10 % 20-29 40.8 % 6,410 7,296