Template:PseudoRankList SeasonAsOf Chron AI

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Pseudo Cup. See {{PseudoRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 AI.png Aptos Investigators 4 / 20 80 % 6-3 66.7 % 587 594
S2 AI.png Aptos Investigators 38 / 40 5 % 2-7 22.2 % 402 428
S3 AI.png Aptos Investigators 42 / 60 30 % 4-5 44.4 % 432 525
S4 AI.png Aptos Investigators 78 / 80 3 % 2-7 22.2 % 342 537
S5 AI.png Aptos Investigators 99 / 100 1 % 1-8 11.1 % 400 542
S6 AI.png Aptos Investigators 17 / 120 86 % 6-3 66.7 % 570 372
S7 AI.png Aptos Investigators 14 / 140 90 % 6-3 66.7 % 711 321
S8 AI.png Aptos Investigators 18 / 160 89 % 6-3 66.7 % 652 426
S9 AI.png Aptos Investigators 100 / 180 44 % 4-5 44.4 % 616 484
S10 AI.png Aptos Investigators 154 / 200 23 % 4-5 44.4 % 376 624
S11 AI.png Aptos Investigators 179 / 220 19 % 3-6 33.3 % 489 703
S12 AI.png Aptos Investigators 145 / 240 40 % 4-5 44.4 % 540 562
S13 AI.png Aptos Investigators 29 / 260 89 % 6-3 66.7 % 629 503
S14 AI.png Aptos Investigators 273 / 280 3 % 1-8 11.1 % 419 555
S15 AI.png Aptos Investigators 147 / 300 51 % 5-4 55.6 % 465 509
S16 AI.png Aptos Investigators 176 / 320 45 % 4-5 44.4 % 585 484
S17 AI.png Aptos Investigators 310 / 340 9 % 2-7 22.2 % 514 579
S18 AI.png Aptos Investigators 7 / 360 98 % 7-2 77.8 % 655 505
S19 AI.png Aptos Investigators 332 / 380 13 % 3-6 33.3 % 386 617
S20 AI.png Aptos Investigators 93 / 400 77 % 6-3 66.7 % 484 399
S21 AI.png Aptos Investigators 297 / 420 29 % 4-5 44.4 % 448 456
S22 AI.png Aptos Investigators 25 / 440 94 % 7-2 77.8 % 547 543
S23 AI.png Aptos Investigators 356 / 460 23 % 3-6 33.3 % 542 639
S24 AI.png Aptos Investigators 15 / 480 97 % 7-2 77.8 % 623 439