Template:StarIVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron AI

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to all seasons for all teams in the Star IV Cup. See {{StarIVRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 AI.png Aptos Investigators 44 / 340 87 % 7-4 63.6 % 10,449 6,183
S2 AI.png Aptos Investigators 127 / 340 63 % 6-5 54.5 % 7,535 3,965
S3 AI.png Aptos Investigators 236 / 340 31 % 5-6 45.5 % 4,317 6,109
S4 AI.png Aptos Investigators 53 / 340 84 % 7-4 63.6 % 9,369 3,739
S5 AI.png Aptos Investigators 115 / 340 66 % 6-5 54.5 % 8,014 6,249
S6 AI.png Aptos Investigators 110 / 340 68 % 6-5 54.5 % 8,457 6,740
S7 AI.png Aptos Investigators 27 / 340 92 % 8-3 72.7 % 7,684 2,657
S8 AI.png Aptos Investigators 209 / 340 39 % 5-6 45.5 % 6,465 6,688
S9 AI.png Aptos Investigators 50 / 340 85 % 7-4 63.6 % 9,709 6,963
S10 AI.png Aptos Investigators 242 / 340 29 % 5-6 45.5 % 3,968 6,377
S11 AI.png Aptos Investigators 265 / 340 22 % 4-7 36.4 % 5,934 6,515
S12 AI.png Aptos Investigators 29 / 340 91 % 8-3 72.7 % 7,031 6,545
S13 AI.png Aptos Investigators 314 / 340 8 % 3-8 27.3 % 4,684 10,166
S14 AI.png Aptos Investigators 97 / 340 71 % 6-5 54.5 % 10,837 6,108
S15 AI.png Aptos Investigators 263 / 340 23 % 4-7 36.4 % 6,179 10,771
S16 AI.png Aptos Investigators 207 / 340 39 % 5-6 45.5 % 6,584 6,738
S17 AI.png Aptos Investigators 76 / 340 78 % 7-4 63.6 % 7,225 2,638