Template:StarIVRankList SeasonAsOf Chron MM

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Star IV Cup. See {{StarIVRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 8 / 20 60 % 6-5 54.5 % 7,546 4,993
S2 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 33 / 40 18 % 4-7 36.4 % 4,532 9,339
S3 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 23 / 60 62 % 6-5 54.5 % 5,871 4,971
S4 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 72 / 80 10 % 3-8 27.3 % 6,947 9,937
S5 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 68 / 100 32 % 5-6 45.5 % 4,760 4,220
S6 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 46 / 120 62 % 6-5 54.5 % 6,449 6,807
S7 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 30 / 140 79 % 7-4 63.6 % 7,669 6,680
S8 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 46 / 160 71 % 6-5 54.5 % 9,815 9,198
S9 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 71 / 180 61 % 6-5 54.5 % 7,144 8,139
S10 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 54 / 200 73 % 7-4 63.6 % 5,220 4,946
S11 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 98 / 220 55 % 6-5 54.5 % 5,953 4,708
S12 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 104 / 240 57 % 6-5 54.5 % 6,309 5,420
S13 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 217 / 260 17 % 4-7 36.4 % 4,632 9,887
S14 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 244 / 280 13 % 4-7 36.4 % 3,665 6,861
S15 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 16 / 300 95 % 8-3 72.7 % 9,925 1,976
S16 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 74 / 320 77 % 7-4 63.6 % 6,969 5,608
S17 MM.png Monterey Meteorologists 144 / 340 58 % 6-5 54.5 % 6,410 5,128