Template:StarIVRankList SeasonAsOf Chron VB

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Star IV Cup. See {{StarIVRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 2 / 20 90 % 9-2 81.8 % 10,272 5,209
S2 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 38 / 40 5 % 3-8 27.3 % 4,452 7,337
S3 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 52 / 60 13 % 4-7 36.4 % 4,852 4,857
S4 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 13 / 80 84 % 7-4 63.6 % 9,816 5,782
S5 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 29 / 100 71 % 6-5 54.5 % 8,477 6,405
S6 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 118 / 120 2 % 2-9 18.2 % 4,313 10,672
S7 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 99 / 140 29 % 5-6 45.5 % 4,084 7,735
S8 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 4 / 160 98 % 9-2 81.8 % 10,079 3,374
S9 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 145 / 180 19 % 4-7 36.4 % 5,708 7,663
S10 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 173 / 200 14 % 4-7 36.4 % 3,615 6,370
S11 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 144 / 220 35 % 5-6 45.5 % 5,813 11,354
S12 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 145 / 240 40 % 5-6 45.5 % 6,660 12,105
S13 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 146 / 260 44 % 5-6 45.5 % 7,744 4,792
S14 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 158 / 280 44 % 5-6 45.5 % 7,727 5,363
S15 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 9 / 300 97 % 9-2 81.8 % 5,457 4,237
S16 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 55 / 320 83 % 7-4 63.6 % 8,736 8,022
S17 VB.png Vallejo Barnstormers 59 / 340 83 % 7-4 63.6 % 8,653 6,568