Template:HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAsOf Chron AA

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Hellmouth II Cup. See {{HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 2 / 20 90 % 30-19 61.2 % 12,959 10,214
S2 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 15 / 40 62 % 25-24 51.0 % 11,934 10,576
S3 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 23 / 60 62 % 25-24 51.0 % 12,192 11,063
S4 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 66 / 80 18 % 22-27 44.9 % 10,978 12,654
S5 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 38 / 100 62 % 25-24 51.0 % 12,260 11,548
S6 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 91 / 120 24 % 23-26 46.9 % 10,284 11,289
S7 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 75 / 140 46 % 24-25 49.0 % 11,829 12,186
S8 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 93 / 160 42 % 24-25 49.0 % 11,052 11,110
S9 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 59 / 180 67 % 26-23 53.1 % 11,497 10,134
S10 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 193 / 200 4 % 19-30 38.8 % 10,370 12,680
S11 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 139 / 220 37 % 23-26 46.9 % 12,156 11,192
S12 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 83 / 240 65 % 26-23 53.1 % 10,971 11,411
S13 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 38 / 260 85 % 28-21 57.1 % 11,874 12,268
S14 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 197 / 280 30 % 23-26 46.9 % 10,911 11,466
S15 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 58 / 300 81 % 27-22 55.1 % 12,575 9,782
S16 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 282 / 320 12 % 20-29 40.8 % 11,737 12,669
S17 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 338 / 340 1 % 16-33 32.7 % 9,749 12,543
S18 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 17 / 360 95 % 30-19 61.2 % 13,066 8,667
S19 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 184 / 380 52 % 25-24 51.0 % 10,833 10,617
S20 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 23 / 400 94 % 30-19 61.2 % 12,733 10,925
S21 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 358 / 420 15 % 21-28 42.9 % 10,240 12,341
S22 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 347 / 440 21 % 22-27 44.9 % 10,593 12,633
S23 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 340 / 460 26 % 22-27 44.9 % 11,688 11,447
S24 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 37 / 480 92 % 30-19 61.2 % 11,035 10,944