Template:HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAsOf Chron BB

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Hellmouth II Cup. See {{HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 BB.png Boylston Boogers 13 / 20 35 % 23-26 46.9 % 11,007 11,693
S2 BB.png Boylston Boogers 30 / 40 25 % 23-26 46.9 % 9,824 12,286
S3 BB.png Boylston Boogers 26 / 60 57 % 25-24 51.0 % 11,756 10,540
S4 BB.png Boylston Boogers 15 / 80 81 % 27-22 55.1 % 13,169 10,889
S5 BB.png Boylston Boogers 64 / 100 36 % 23-26 46.9 % 11,970 12,126
S6 BB.png Boylston Boogers 22 / 120 82 % 27-22 55.1 % 12,426 11,041
S7 BB.png Boylston Boogers 118 / 140 16 % 21-28 42.9 % 11,275 13,717
S8 BB.png Boylston Boogers 124 / 160 22 % 22-27 44.9 % 11,853 12,080
S9 BB.png Boylston Boogers 101 / 180 44 % 24-25 49.0 % 11,566 11,772
S10 BB.png Boylston Boogers 189 / 200 6 % 20-29 40.8 % 9,552 11,833
S11 BB.png Boylston Boogers 52 / 220 76 % 27-22 55.1 % 11,112 12,030
S12 BB.png Boylston Boogers 218 / 240 9 % 20-29 40.8 % 11,383 13,808
S13 BB.png Boylston Boogers 257 / 260 1 % 17-32 34.7 % 10,582 13,411
S14 BB.png Boylston Boogers 3 / 280 99 % 33-16 67.3 % 13,758 9,514
S15 BB.png Boylston Boogers 264 / 300 12 % 21-28 42.9 % 9,268 12,682
S16 BB.png Boylston Boogers 237 / 320 26 % 22-27 44.9 % 12,402 11,722
S17 BB.png Boylston Boogers 174 / 340 49 % 24-25 49.0 % 12,261 11,823
S18 BB.png Boylston Boogers 328 / 360 9 % 20-29 40.8 % 10,643 12,526
S19 BB.png Boylston Boogers 44 / 380 88 % 29-20 59.2 % 11,950 11,736
S20 BB.png Boylston Boogers 128 / 400 68 % 26-23 53.1 % 12,591 10,762
S21 BB.png Boylston Boogers 265 / 420 37 % 23-26 46.9 % 11,797 10,959
S22 BB.png Boylston Boogers 370 / 440 16 % 21-28 42.9 % 10,813 13,266
S23 BB.png Boylston Boogers 346 / 460 25 % 22-27 44.9 % 11,497 10,137
S24 BB.png Boylston Boogers 384 / 480 20 % 22-27 44.9 % 10,457 11,666