Boylston Boogers

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Boylston Boogers
Boylston Boogers logo
"Boogers Bounce Back!"
Team Information
Name Boylston Boogers
Primary Color #697a21
Logo  BB.png 
Abbreviation BB
Nickname The Boogs
Hometown Boston, MA
Stadium Boylston Street Station, Green Line
Emoji 🐽
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Integer 1001
Element Earth
Power Word Childlike

Thesaurus qui non quaesitur non invenietur

(Treasure that is not sought shall not be found)
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The BB.png Boylston Boogers are a Golly team from the Boylston Street Station in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. The Boogers joined the league in Season 14, when the ATL.png Atlanta Glitter Sharks became the Atlanta Quitter Sharks and quit the Golly league. The Boogers are cross-town rivals with the AA.png Alewife Arsonists , and the Boogers and Arsonists have been frenemies since childhood. Each year they compete for the MTA Crown.

Team Character

Boogers in the Hellmouth Cup

Boogers in the Toroidal Cup

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for BB.png Boylston Boogers .

Boylston Boogers in the Hellmouth Cup

HellmouthSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{HellmouthRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Toroidal Cup

ToroidalSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{ToroidalRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Rainbow Cup

RainbowSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{RainbowRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Klein Cup

KleinSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{KleinRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Hellmouth II Cup

HellmouthIISeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Hellmouth III Cup

HellmouthIIISeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{HellmouthIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Hellmouth IV Cup

HellmouthIVSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}

Boylston Boogers in the Hellmouth V Cup

HellmouthVSeasonsQuantileGraph BB.png

{{HellmouthVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BB}}


The Boogers announced a rebranding at the conclusion of Season 24, the last season of the Hellmouth Cup, and came out with a new minimalist Boylston Boogers logo:

BoylstonBoogersLogo Minimalist.png

The press conference revealing the logo coincided with a press conference held by the AA.png Alewife Arsonists across town in which the Arsonists revealed their redesigned, minimalist logo. The logos were released simultaneously.

The Arsonists logo that was released appears remarkably similar:

AlewifeArsonistsLogo Minimalist.png

Litigation has been ongoing for over 24 seasons (the entire duration of the Toroidal Cup) and continues to this day. It is widely suspected that the Boogers and Arsonists hired the same graphic designer for their logo redesign, leading to the similar logos, and that when the logos were simultaneously released and the similarities reveale to the world, both teams went to the same team of lawyers to sue their cross-town rival.

Cup Posters

Season23 HellmouthCup Poster.png

ToroidalSeason4 Poster.png

ToroidalSeason11 Poster.png
