
From Golly.Life Wiki

Relations between the CYC.png Carmel Yacht Club and the AI.png Aptos Investigators started off well early in the Pseudo Cup. The Yacht Club hired the Investigators to be staff detectives working at the Yacht Club's golf course. From Pseudo/Season 1 through Pseudo/Season 5, the two teams had a positive working relationship, and the Carmel Yacht Club bought won the majority of games played between each team in each season. The Yacht Club viewed the arrangement as being conveniently run under the table, and saw no need to drag the Commissioner into things by filing formal paperwork to create a new Crown.

In Pseudo/Season 6, the Investigators and Yacht Club faced off in the first round of the postseason, the Egalitarian Eight. The AI.png Aptos Investigators beat the CYC.png Carmel Yacht Club in 4 games. The Yacht Club, believing themselves to be entitled as the paying client to win the majority of games played between the two teams every year, including the postseason, were shocked, and sued for breach of contract immediately following the loss. In response to the suit, the Investigators counter-sued claiming reckless endangerment. When the Yacht Club sued in retaliation for the counter-suit, the Investigators sued again for emotional damages from lawsuits.

All lawsuits were dropped when the Commissioner stepped in and demanded the two teams stop being a bunch of crybabies and work out their issues on the grid, and threatened to kick both teams out of the league unless they filed necessary paperwork to formalize their rivalry. Thus was born the Private Eye Crown.