Template:StarIIIRankList SeasonAsOf Chron PGM

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Star III Cup. See {{StarIIIRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 8 / 20 60 % 7-4 63.6 % 6,067 7,213
S2 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 14 / 40 65 % 6-5 54.5 % 7,910 6,498
S3 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 14 / 60 77 % 7-4 63.6 % 8,384 2,026
S4 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 67 / 80 16 % 4-7 36.4 % 4,578 9,033
S5 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 13 / 100 87 % 8-3 72.7 % 9,037 3,991
S6 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 2 / 120 98 % 9-2 81.8 % 11,007 3,534
S7 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 38 / 140 73 % 7-4 63.6 % 6,084 5,500
S8 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 97 / 160 39 % 5-6 45.5 % 6,597 5,121
S9 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 127 / 180 29 % 5-6 45.5 % 4,013 8,145
S10 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 2 / 200 99 % 10-1 90.9 % 10,293 4,948
S11 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 92 / 220 58 % 6-5 54.5 % 6,852 8,541
S12 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 59 / 240 75 % 7-4 63.6 % 6,837 3,988
S13 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 234 / 260 10 % 3-8 27.3 % 5,110 8,817
S14 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 86 / 280 69 % 6-5 54.5 % 10,807 6,768
S15 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 164 / 300 45 % 5-6 45.5 % 7,925 6,465
S16 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 210 / 320 34 % 5-6 45.5 % 5,794 7,349
S17 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 38 / 340 89 % 8-3 72.7 % 7,173 4,204
S18 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 4 / 360 99 % 10-1 90.9 % 7,914 3,785
S19 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 270 / 380 29 % 5-6 45.5 % 4,056 9,625
S20 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 223 / 400 44 % 5-6 45.5 % 7,620 7,909
S21 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 60 / 420 86 % 7-4 63.6 % 10,269 3,279
S22 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 204 / 440 54 % 6-5 54.5 % 5,765 5,527
S23 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 330 / 460 28 % 5-6 45.5 % 3,707 6,013
S24 PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists 73 / 480 85 % 7-4 63.6 % 9,952 3,619