User:Ch4zm/February 2022/Lore Fragments
From Golly.Life Wiki
Seattle Sneakers
narrowly missed a flawless dynasty, under the most difficult circumstances
spoiled by the sugar grove eavesdroppers
Milwaukee Flamingos and Tucson Butchers
Rainbow Cup - The Triple X:
- Season 10
- Toroidal/Season 10
- Rainbow/Season 11 (nearly)
Triple X templates:
- {{TripleXFragment}}
- page: Triple X
Rainbow Cup - Second Valentines Day series:
Hellmouth Cup - Lovers Embrace:
- {{ValentinesDayFragment}} (includes {{LoversEmbraceHellmouthFragment}})
Toroidal Cup - navbox doesn't call out Flamingos-Butchers matchups:
Telegraph Avenue Crown
- several instances where the brutalists win the crown for the season, but the bees win the crown for the postseason
Cali Crown
Rainbow Cup: Boot Lickers ran the table for 7 seasons straight during the Rainbow Cup, setting a record for longest streak of consecutive seasons controlling the crown
Jetstream Crown
between season 7 and season 17 of the rainbow cup, the title alternated each season - 10 straight seasons
some kind of escalating back-and-forth