User:Ch4zm/January 2022/Hellmouth Cup Heist

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  • SFBS emerged as dominant Hellmouth Cup champions, and won the final Hellmouth Cup series
  • Previously, champions would "borrow" the Hellmouth Cup and pass it on to the next champion in a ceremony
  • Commissioner awarded SFBS the Hellmouth Cup

Hellmouth Cup Heist

Hellmouth Cup Heist

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1st Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist

Main: Hellmouth Cup Heist/1

The Heist:

  • The morning after the awards ceremony, the first day of the Toroidal Cup, they announced that the Hellmouth Cup had been stolen during the night
  • suspects list:
    • EA, long bitter about their Season 3 defeat at the hands of the Boat Shoes and The Bug,
    • OSHA, long bitter about their Season 12 defeat at the hands of the Boat Shoes, and friends of the SS, with whom the SFBS had a long-standing feud
    • SDBA, long bitter about their Season 6 defeat at the hands of the Boat Shoes,
    • LBFB, bitter about being humiliated twice by the Boat Shoes in Seasons 18 and 20
    • SAC, bitter rivals of the SFBS
  • balloon animals - planned and executed the heist
  • successful winning season, #1 seed in postseason
  • reached the Hellmouth Cup series
  • announced they had stolen the legendary artifact, it had given them victory, and they were now destined to win the TCS
  • DECO stole the HC from the SDBA, won the TCS
  • Initiated a tradition: holder of the HC would become the next champion

1st Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist infobox:

  • SDBA steals it from SFBS

2nd Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist

  • season 2: DET, completely desperate for a postseason appearance, steal the crown, and everything starts to go wrong

the grape chews begin their descent:

  • great season counterbalanced by poor attendance
  • fistfights spread to the fans, grape chews booed loudly at home, while traveling, everywhere,
  • successfully made it to postseason
  • (behind the milwaukee flamingos)

postseason: toroidal season 2 LDS:

  • DET facing SGE
  • kicked out of the only hotel in sugar grove, in the middle of the night, the night before the last game of the series
  • grape chews got carried away with the ol' Jersey Courage
  • accidentally trashed the hotel room
  • kicked out of the only hotel in sugar grove
  • stole a microwave from the room, drove to a field, rigged up the microwave with a car battery and a satellite dish and attempted to contact UFOs
  • arrested, released just before winning Game 4, permanently banned from ever returning to Sugar Grove

2nd Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist

  • DET steals it from SDBA
  • it doesn't work
  • they return it

3rd Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist

  • at end of S2, DET announces they took the Hellmouth Cup
  • they return it unceremoniously to the SFBS
  • Reported stolen the next day
  • EA announce they have taken it
  • HC S3 rightfully theirs, borrowing it to win, will return when done
  • straightforward and no-nonsense
  • here is the cup back

3rd annual hellmouth cup heist:

  • EA steals it from SFBS
  • it works
  • they return it ceremoniously

4th Annual Hellmouth Cup Heist

  • at the end of S3, EA ceremoniously returned the Hellmouth Cup
  • next morning, hellmouth cup was reported missing from the SFBS safehouse
  • (top floor of a 14-story building, former robber baron's roost)
  • it had been replaced with a life-sized marble statue of a cow
  • no one sure how it was humanly possible
  • harder to remove than an actual cow
  • suspicion fell upon the BTX
  • Double Choke
  • BTX returns it at the conclusion of the season, handing-over ceremony
  • many jokes about how this was the only way the BTX would ever meet a Hot League team