Template:HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAsOf Chron AA

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Hellmouth IV Cup. See {{HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 18 / 20 10 % 20-29 40.8 % 11,354 13,584
S2 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 27 / 40 32 % 23-26 46.9 % 12,060 14,654
S3 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 23 / 60 62 % 25-24 51.0 % 13,022 13,518
S4 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 39 / 80 51 % 25-24 51.0 % 12,070 12,604
S5 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 60 / 100 40 % 23-26 46.9 % 13,871 12,880
S6 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 76 / 120 37 % 23-26 46.9 % 13,237 12,962
S7 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 5 / 140 96 % 30-19 61.2 % 14,907 12,756
S8 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 95 / 160 41 % 23-26 46.9 % 13,508 15,097
S9 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 127 / 180 29 % 23-26 46.9 % 12,065 14,837
S10 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 196 / 200 2 % 17-32 34.7 % 13,060 15,025
S11 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 114 / 220 48 % 24-25 49.0 % 13,374 14,048
S12 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 10 / 240 96 % 31-18 63.3 % 14,705 10,595
S13 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 95 / 260 63 % 26-23 53.1 % 12,908 12,235
S14 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 44 / 280 84 % 28-21 57.1 % 14,222 10,570
S15 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 226 / 300 25 % 22-27 44.9 % 12,483 15,374
S16 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 56 / 320 82 % 28-21 57.1 % 13,531 12,981
S17 AA.png Alewife Arsonists 331 / 340 3 % 18-31 36.7 % 10,907 13,788