Template:Infobox star iv season

From Golly.Life Wiki

The {{Infobox star iv season}} template is used to define an infobox for a Star IV Cup season.

Here is how you use it:

{{Infobox star iv season
| season = 1

| start_date = 2021-05-24
| end_date = 2021-05-26

| champion_abbr = AI

| monterey_bay_league_seed1_abbr = BCC
| monterey_bay_league_seed2_abbr = AI
| monterey_bay_league_seed3_abbr = MM
| monterey_bay_league_seed4_abbr = SCS

| san_francisco_bay_league_seed1_abbr = SGSC
| san_francisco_bay_league_seed2_abbr = RS
| san_francisco_bay_league_seed3_abbr = OB
| san_francisco_bay_league_seed4_abbr = MVM

| arcana = TBD
| title = TBD

The {{Infobox star iv season}} template will pass these arguments to the {{Infobox}} template, inserting the right bits of information in the right places to produce this:

Star IV Cup Season 1
Star IV Cup logo
Star IV Cup Season 1
Season Dates
Start 2023-05-24
End 2023-05-26
Next Season ▶▶ Season 2
Dragon Champion

Aptos Investigators logo

Aptos Investigators
San Francisco Bay League  
Monterey Bay League  
San Francisco Bay Seeds
Seed 1

San Gregorio Sand Crabs logo

San Gregorio Sand Crabs
Seed 2

Richmond Slicks logo

Richmond Slicks
Seed 3

Oakland Bees logo

Oakland Bees
Seed 4

Mountain View Miners logo

Mountain View Miners
Monterey Bay Seeds
Seed 1

Boulder Creek Cardsharps logo

Boulder Creek Cardsharps
Seed 2

Aptos Investigators logo

Aptos Investigators
Seed 3

Monterey Meteorologists logo

Monterey Meteorologists
Seed 4

Sand City Sidewinders logo

Sand City Sidewinders
Arcana TBD
Title TBD
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