Boulder Creek Cardsharps

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Boulder Creek Cardsharps
Boulder Creek Cardsharps logo
"Ace in the hole!"
Team Information
Name Boulder Creek Cardsharps
Primary Color #00cc44
Logo  BCC.png 
Abbreviation BCC
Nickname The Sharps
Hometown Boulder Creek, CA
Emoji 🃏
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Element Water
Power Word Con
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The BCC.png Boulder Creek Cardsharps are a Golly team from Boulder Creek, California. The team is so named because of a game of cards in which the owner of the franchise lost a substantial bet, which resulted in them becoming the present owners of the Boulder Creek Cardsharps.

Team Character

Cardsharps in the Pseudo Cup

Season 10 Bananas Labeled Choke Artists

By the time the Pseudo/Season 10 postseason rolled around, there was already talk about the SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas and whether and when to apply the Choke Artist title to the Bananas.

The postseason would provide the answer. The BCC.png Boulder Creek Cardsharps and SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas both won their Egalitarian Eight series, and faced off in the Fortuitous Four. The Cardsharps came out on top, the Bananas suffered the shame of losing to a bitter rival in a key pennant game, and the psychological damage was done. The Bananas were unofficially, then officially, declared Choke Artists.

Cardsharps in the Dragon Cup

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for BCC.png Boulder Creek Cardsharps .

Boulder Creek Cardsharps in the Pseudo Cup

PseudoSeasonsQuantileGraph BCC.png

{{PseudoRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BCC}}

Boulder Creek Cardsharps in the Dragon Cup

DragonSeasonsQuantileGraph BCC.png

{{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BCC}}

Boulder Creek Cardsharps in the Star Cup

StarSeasonsQuantileGraph BCC.png

{{StarRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BCC}}

Boulder Creek Cardsharps in the Star II Cup

StarIISeasonsQuantileGraph BCC.png

{{StarIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BCC}}

Boulder Creek Cardsharps in the Star III Cup

StarIIISeasonsQuantileGraph BCC.png

{{StarIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BCC}}


Cup Posters

PseudoSeason2 Poster.png

PseudoSeason10 Poster.png
