Detroit Grape Chews/Century of Failure

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Main: Detroit Grape Chews

Hellmouth II/Season 4 marked the 100th season in which the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews have failed to clinch a Hot League pennant or reach their first-ever Cup game:

  • Hellmouth Cup: 24 seasons of pennant-free performance by Detroit (24 total)
  • Toroidal Cup: 24 seasons of pennant-free performance by Detroit (48 total)
  • Rainbow Cup: 24 seasons of pennant-free performance by Detroit (72 total)
  • Klein Cup: 24 seasons of pennant-free performance by Detroit (96 total)
  • Hellmouth II Cup: 4 (and counting) seasons of pennant-free performance by Detroit (100 total)

True to form, the Grape Chews finished strong during the regular season (Hellmouth II/Season 4), and made it to the postseason - hooray for consistent regular season performance by the Grape Chews!

The Grape Chews overpowered the BB.png Boylston Boogers in the Division Series, beating them just as they have beaten countless other opponents in countless other Hot League Division Series. (Except the Klein Cup, yikes.)

Soon after, the Grape Chews found themselves in the Hot League Championship Series, with the franchise facing 100 seasons without ever clinching a Hot League Pennant.

  • "Here is our chance," they thought. "Surely, we won't fail this time," they said to themselves. "What are the odds we pooch it 100 times in a row?" they pondered, alone to themselves, when the locker room was empty.
  • The Detroit Grape Chews fought valiantly with he Jersey OSHA Violations: tooth and nail fist to face, eye for an eye.
  • The Grape Chews managed to tie up the series, 3-3.

Here we go: it all came down to Game 7 (GollyLogoTransparent.png 64276ed7-86e4-48fb-9120-663c286025e2).

In Game 7, The Chews performed pitifully. Over the course of nearly 3,000 generations, there was never a doubt as to which team was in control (the OSHA Violations) and which team was the tiny excited clueless puppy dog running into the wall (Detroit). The Chews trailed the OSHA Violations for the entire match, thus sealing the fate of the Hellmouth II/Season 4 DET.png Detroit Grape Chews as the saddest team in Golly history. (Sorry to be the bearer of bad Chews, Detroit.)

Season 4 Hot League Championship Series Results Table
OSHA.png Jersey OSHA Violations vs. DET.png Detroit Grape Chews
  Winner W Score Margin L Score Loser Generations Link
Game 1 Jersey OSHA Violations 432 66.90% 143 Detroit Grape Chews 3,773 GollyLogoTransparent.png 1398fc4e-e3e5-4f13-80ea-21cd41fb995c
Game 2 Detroit Grape Chews 480 66.67% 160 Jersey OSHA Violations 3,708 GollyLogoTransparent.png 462f84cd-f29b-42f6-bc72-b9ace74ca558
Game 3 Detroit Grape Chews 281 16.01% 236 Jersey OSHA Violations 2,878 GollyLogoTransparent.png 49464e3d-cdec-474e-ad63-5aab030a322a
Game 4 Jersey OSHA Violations 327 52.29% 156 Detroit Grape Chews 5,671 GollyLogoTransparent.png c087aa9c-daa9-4fa0-8b98-ae69122b5510
Game 5 Jersey OSHA Violations 270 34.44% 177 Detroit Grape Chews 5,527 GollyLogoTransparent.png ae99c297-6f11-4b8f-8bcd-70d8d87f66ea
Game 6 Detroit Grape Chews 321 25.55% 239 Jersey OSHA Violations 5,245 GollyLogoTransparent.png 3022da02-5d60-4d84-985e-b477174c99e2
Game 7 Jersey OSHA Violations 303 12.87% 264 Detroit Grape Chews 2,895 GollyLogoTransparent.png 64276ed7-86e4-48fb-9120-663c286025e2

More details: Hellmouth II/Season 4/Postseason#Hot League Championship Series: OSHA vs DET