
From Golly.Life Wiki

The Piano Tuners Hacking Scandal was a scandal that struck the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners like a bolt of lightning in Toroidal/Season 16. The FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners were unmasked as a pack of cheaters who weren't happy with winning championships the old-fashioned way; they had hacked the engineering division to win the Toroidal/Season 15 championship over the Boot Lickers and were attempting to beat the Boot Lickers again in Toroidal/Season 16. But, as a result of their hubris, they were not only eviscerated by the SAC.png Sacramento Boot Lickers in the Toroidal/Season 16 Toroidal Cup series, they were also punished by the Cancel Texas Memo at the end of Toroidal/Season 20, which forced the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners to take on the team colors and hometown of their most hated rival, the BTX.png Baltimore Texas , who were incinerated for being incapable of winning a single pennant in 44 seasons, despite countless opportunities.