Cancel Texas Memo

From Golly.Life Wiki

The Cancel Texas Memo is an infamous memo from the Commissioner's Office from the end of Toroidal/Season 20 whose primary purpose was to announce the cancellation of Texas for the upcoming Rainbow Cup. This led to a last-minute scramble to reorganize the league before the inaugural season of the long-anticipated Rainbow Cup.


The cancellation of Texas affected the BTX.png Baltimore Texas and FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners as follows:

  • The BTX.png Baltimore Texas , Cold League Choke Artists who had never won a championship in 44+ seasons of play, were to be incinerated at the end of Season 20.

In addition, the removal of the BTX.png Baltimore Texas and replacement with the BPT.png Baltimore Piano Tuners would open a spot for a new team. The Cancel Texas Memo announced that a new team, the LIL.png Louisville Illusionists , would be joining the league in the Cold Water Division to replace the now-humiliated FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners .

Speculation About Cause

There are many speculations about the cause of the Cancel Texas memo, but most of them boil down to the fact that most people outside of Texas agree that Texas is batshit crazy, including the Commissioner.

Baltimore Texas Contributing Causes

Most fans and players agreed the BTX.png Baltimore Texas were so awful at performing in clutch situations that they honestly deserved to be incinerated.

The BTX.png Baltimore Texas could not be reached for comment, as they are incinerated.

Ft. Worth Piano Tuners Contributing Causes

It is widely recognized that the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners got a much worse deal than the BTX.png Baltimore Texas . While it was initially unclear why the Commissioner did not simply incinerate both teams, interviews and historical records indicate that the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners had a long history of cheating:

  • The Tuners sneaked through to the postseason on technicalities on several occasions
  • The Tuners were on the beneficial end of several blown calls by grid umpires
  • The Tuners were known for their relentless competitiveness, and for being willing to poke the rest of the league in the eye if it would get them a championship
  • During the Toroidal/Season 16 postseason, news broke of a hacking scandal involving the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners procuring backdoored random number generators to Golly's E Division; the scandal rocked the splort and led to calls for the Commissioner to take action

Many, understandably, were eager to see the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners suffer a fate worse than death: having to take on the home city and colors of your most hated rival.


There has been no criticism of the Cancel Texas memo to date.
