Template:RainbowRankList SeasonAllTime Chron GJC

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile Rainbows Rainbow Pct Points Scored
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to all seasons for all teams in the Rainbow Cup. See {{RainbowRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 111 / 576 81 % 57 57.6 % 1,547
S2 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 329 / 576 43 % 45 45.5 % 1,283
S3 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 64 / 576 89 % 61 61.6 % 1,632
S4 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 406 / 576 30 % 41 41.4 % 1,151
S5 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 347 / 576 40 % 45 45.5 % 975
S6 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 31 / 576 95 % 67 67.7 % 1,604
S7 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 275 / 576 52 % 48 48.5 % 1,269
S8 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 175 / 576 70 % 53 53.5 % 1,357
S9 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 51 / 576 91 % 64 64.6 % 1,129
S10 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 489 / 576 15 % 35 35.4 % 1,080
S11 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 335 / 576 42 % 45 45.5 % 1,189
S12 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 146 / 576 75 % 56 56.6 % 1,254
S13 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 83 / 576 86 % 60 60.6 % 1,199
S14 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 149 / 576 74 % 56 56.6 % 1,168
S15 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 443 / 576 23 % 38 38.4 % 1,193
S16 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 134 / 576 77 % 56 56.6 % 1,492
S17 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 278 / 576 52 % 48 48.5 % 1,173
S18 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 532 / 576 8 % 30 30.3 % 930
S19 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 35 / 576 94 % 65 65.7 % 1,848
S20 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 125 / 576 78 % 56 56.6 % 1,680
S21 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 458 / 576 20 % 38 38.4 % 971
S22 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 110 / 576 81 % 57 57.6 % 1,558
S23 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 70 / 576 88 % 60 60.6 % 1,784
S24 GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions 476 / 576 17 % 37 37.4 % 866