Template:ToroidalRankList SeasonAsOf Chron BB

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Season Team All-Time Regular Seasons
Rank / Out Of
Percentile W-L Win Pct Points Scored Points Allowed
Rank is the ranking for this team's regular season, relative to seasons up to that point for all teams in the Toroidal Cup. See {{ToroidalRankList SeasonAllTime}} for full rank list.
S1 BB.png Boylston Boogers 16 / 20 20 % 3-6 33.3 % 1,249 1,325
S2 BB.png Boylston Boogers 16 / 40 60 % 5-4 55.6 % 1,325 1,396
S3 BB.png Boylston Boogers 42 / 60 30 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,221 1,646
S4 BB.png Boylston Boogers 7 / 80 91 % 7-2 77.8 % 1,708 1,224
S5 BB.png Boylston Boogers 84 / 100 16 % 3-6 33.3 % 1,168 1,974
S6 BB.png Boylston Boogers 23 / 120 81 % 6-3 66.7 % 1,500 1,160
S7 BB.png Boylston Boogers 88 / 140 37 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,291 1,440
S8 BB.png Boylston Boogers 60 / 160 62 % 5-4 55.6 % 1,415 1,271
S9 BB.png Boylston Boogers 153 / 180 15 % 3-6 33.3 % 1,165 1,692
S10 BB.png Boylston Boogers 33 / 200 84 % 6-3 66.7 % 1,666 1,325
S11 BB.png Boylston Boogers 39 / 220 82 % 6-3 66.7 % 1,577 1,079
S12 BB.png Boylston Boogers 164 / 240 32 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,234 1,443
S13 BB.png Boylston Boogers 249 / 260 4 % 2-7 22.2 % 1,171 1,488
S14 BB.png Boylston Boogers 139 / 280 50 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,650 1,423
S15 BB.png Boylston Boogers 36 / 300 88 % 7-2 77.8 % 1,214 1,195
S16 BB.png Boylston Boogers 103 / 320 68 % 5-4 55.6 % 1,472 1,421
S17 BB.png Boylston Boogers 20 / 340 94 % 7-2 77.8 % 1,632 1,228
S18 BB.png Boylston Boogers 176 / 360 51 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,630 1,306
S19 BB.png Boylston Boogers 277 / 380 27 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,084 1,551
S20 BB.png Boylston Boogers 154 / 400 62 % 5-4 55.6 % 1,394 1,090
S21 BB.png Boylston Boogers 363 / 420 14 % 3-6 33.3 % 1,186 1,504
S22 BB.png Boylston Boogers 401 / 440 9 % 3-6 33.3 % 818 1,621
S23 BB.png Boylston Boogers 248 / 460 46 % 4-5 44.4 % 1,462 1,415
S24 BB.png Boylston Boogers 438 / 480 9 % 3-6 33.3 % 942 1,560