
From Golly.Life Wiki

The Season 9 and Season 10 Hellmouth Cup and the messy, complicated anti-rivalry between the MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos and TB.png Tucson Butchers is credited by many historians and psychoanalysts with being one of the principal causes that contributed to the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews becoming the Hot League Choke Artists and failing to make it to a final Cup series during their entire history.

The Grape Chews' inability to clinch a Hot League pennant and make it to a single cup game during their entire history was attributed to a combination of overperforming to show off for the Flamingos (which put them in the postseason often) and the tendency to choke in clutch situations, resulting in repeated postseason disappointment for the Grape Chews.

A public statement shortly after the Season 10 Hellmouth Cup by the TB.png Tucson Butchers (in response to a reporter's question about the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews ) said the Grape Chews were artificially-created globs of manufactured flavor, while Butchers and Flamingos were real, visceral flesh and blood. The Big Purple Machine nickname was never given to a Grape Chews team after Season 10, leading many to interpret the statement as marking the symbolic end of the Grape Chews' Big Purple Machine era.