Freedom Fries

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Freedom Fries
Freedom Fries logo
"Semper Fry"
Team Information
Name Freedom Fries
Primary Color #a0e7e5
Logo  FFR.png 
Abbreviation FFR
Hometown Freedom, CA
Emoji 🍟
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Integer 11
Element Air
Power Word Adults
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The FFR.png Freedom Fries are a Golly team from Freedom, California. The Fries are always the Adult in any situation. Inevitably, this means the Fries often find themselves in charge of messy, complicated situations involving other Peninsula League teams, situations that do not involve the Fries in any way, but that they are morally obligated to jump in and fix, because they are the only team with Adult powers, which are required to handle messy situations.

Halfway through the Pseudo Cup, the Commissioner discovered through the grapevine that the Fries were Adults. Silently, and without informing the Fries about what they were doing, the Commissioner began to forward all cloud computing bills, server invoices, and cease-and-desist letters to the Fries for them to do their Adult thing and handle it.

Team Character

Fries in the Pseudo Cup

Season 11 Fortuitous Four: "Let's Act Like Adults Here"

In Pseudo/Season 11 the FFR.png Freedom Fries had a stellar postseason run all the way to the Monterey Bay League Fortuitous Four, which they lost to the MM.png Monterey Meteorologists in the final winner-take-all game, which they lost by 1 point (44-43).

When the Golly Grid Umpires declared the game over and the Meteorologists the victors, the crowd began to boo loudly. Many on the sidelines were shouting for the call to be re-reviewed, and the border cell tallies double-checked. When the officials refused to review the play, simply saying that the game was over, the crowd began to chant "Bull-sh*t" in unison.

At that point the FFR.png Freedom Fries jumped up on a bench, did that Adult thing where they let out an extremely shrill, high-pitched whistle that pierces everyone's ear and gets them to stop talking and pay attention, and then gave the entire crowd a very stern lecture about the use of foul language, the sacredness of the grid they were on, and the need for everyone to just accept the outcome of the game and move on with their lives, because it was just a game.

Many fans present describe a long, peaceful hush that came over the crowd. Many people died. Or maybe "cried", probably "cried", but some of the accounts were unclear on that detail. In any case there was not a dry eye in the place by the time the Fries were done. They came on strong with their stern lecture, but then tugged on everyone's heartstrings with the sacredness of Golly business.

None of the fans present that day ever spoke much about what happened that day, which meant it took many seasons for word of the event to reach everyone in the league.

Commissioner Learns of Fries' Adult Behavior

Although it would be many seasons until the rest of the league learned of the FFR.png Freedom Fries and their superpower, the ability to Adult in any situation, the Commissioner of Golly learned of it before everyone else - unsurprising, since the Commissioner's S Division spies are everywhere.

On learning of the incident and the Adult behavior, the Commissioner, realizing how much help it would be to have an Adult helping to handle things, decided to send one cloud bill to the Fries, making it appear accidental. The cloud bill was promptly paid, as was another long-outstanding fine on the same account. Then the Commissioner sent several more bills and server invoices to the Fries, making each one appear accidental; each bill and invoice was promptly paid.

The Commissioner then arranged to have all mail permanently and directly forwarded to the FFR.png Freedom Fries , and the Commissioner has not paid a single bill or gotten a single cease-and-desist letter since at least Pseudo/Season 11.

Fries in the Dragon Cup

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for FFR.png Freedom Fries .

Freedom Fries in the Pseudo Cup

PseudoSeasonsQuantileGraph FFR.png

{{PseudoRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFR}}

Freedom Fries in the Dragon Cup

DragonSeasonsQuantileGraph FFR.png

{{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFR}}

Freedom Fries in the Star Cup

StarSeasonsQuantileGraph FFR.png

{{StarRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFR}}

Freedom Fries in the Star II Cup

StarIISeasonsQuantileGraph FFR.png

{{StarIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFR}}

Freedom Fries in the Star III Cup

StarIIISeasonsQuantileGraph FFR.png

{{StarIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFR}}


Cup Posters

PseudoSeason20 Poster.png
