Santa Cruz Bananas

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Santa Cruz Bananas
Santa Cruz Bananas logo
"We have a-peel"
Team Information
Name Santa Cruz Bananas
Primary Color #fefe67
Logo  SCB.png 
Abbreviation SCB
Nickname The Nanas
Hometown Santa Cruz, CA
Emoji 🍌
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Element Earth
Power Word Literally
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas are a Golly team from Santa Cruz, California. The team is bananas. Literally, a bunch of bananas.

Team Character

The SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas are a literal bunch of bananas.

The Blackening

Several times per season, the SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas will experience The Blackening, which is a mysterious sickness that affects the entire team and requires that the entire bunch of blackened bananas be replaced with a new, fresh bunch of bananas. (The Santa Cruz Bananas are literally a bunch of bananas.)

When The Blackening was first discovered by the Bananas in the midst of Pseudo/Season 1, their first season of existence, they were initially too embarrassed to talk about it, and attempted to keep the phenomenon a secret. However, other teams began to notice the effects of The Blackening during matches, and raised awkward questions about the foul stenches and unsightly sores they were seeing appear on the Bananas.

Eventually, the AI.png Aptos Investigators did some digging, interviewing several horticulturalists and plant pathologists, and discovered that the cause of The Blackening was a mysterious affliction that only affected members of the SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas . In the interest of public safety the Investigators publicly announced their findings, assuring all non-Santa Cruz, non-Banana teams that they were safe from the ill effects of The Blackening.

Curse of Theseus

Because of The Blackening, the SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas are required to occasionally replace the entire bunch of bananas with new bananas. This led to the nickname "Ship of Theseus" for the Bananas early on in the Pseudo Cup.

As the Pseudo Cup progressed, the Bananas continued to fail to reach the Pseudo Cup series. At the end of Pseudo/Season 9, when the Bananas were swept for a third time in the Egalitarian Eight series (and by the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers , of all teams, who would be incinerated for poor performance 11 seasons later), they (along with the SJA.png San Jose Avionics in the San Francisco Bay League) began to be referred to as Choke Artists. Their lack of success was attributed to The Blackening, so the subsequent curse was called the Curse of Theseus.

Bananas in the Pseudo Cup

First Occurrence of The Blackening


Emergency Medical Horticulturalist


Monterey Bay Choke Artists


Bananas in the Dragon Cup

Breaking the Curse of Theseus


Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for SCB.png Santa Cruz Bananas .

Santa Cruz Bananas in the Pseudo Cup

PseudoSeasonsQuantileGraph SCB.png

{{PseudoRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SCB}}

Santa Cruz Bananas in the Dragon Cup

DragonSeasonsQuantileGraph SCB.png

{{DragonRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SCB}}

Santa Cruz Bananas in the Star Cup

StarSeasonsQuantileGraph SCB.png

{{StarRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SCB}}

Santa Cruz Bananas in the Star II Cup

StarIISeasonsQuantileGraph SCB.png

{{StarIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SCB}}

Santa Cruz Bananas in the Star III Cup

StarIIISeasonsQuantileGraph SCB.png

{{StarIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SCB}}


Cup Posters
