Seaside Swashbucklers

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Seaside Swashbucklers
Seaside Swashbucklers logo
"Don't look at the ocean"
Team Information
Name Seaside Swashbucklers
Primary Color #e86215
Logo  SSS.png 
Abbreviation SSS
Hometown Seaside
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Movie Dirty Harry
Element Earth
Power Word Land Pirates
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The Seaside Swashbucklers were a Golly team from Seaside, California. The Swashbucklers were incinerated in Pseudo/Season 22 after being shamed on the Golly grid by their cross-town rivals, the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders . They were replaced by the PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists .

Despite being located next to the ocean, Seaside is landlocked. The Swashbucklers are land pirates, meaning they do exactly the same thing as regular pirates but on land instead of in ships. The Swashbucklers often patrol the highways, the same way that pirates patrol the high seas.

Team Character

Swashbucklers in the Pseudo Cup

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers .

Seaside Swashbucklers in the Pseudo Cup

PseudoSeasonsQuantileGraph SSS.png

{{PseudoRankList SeasonAllTime Chron SSS}}


Seaside Swashbucklers art has all disappeared from the internet since their incineration, and Swashbucklers merchandise has similarly become difficult to find anywhere. This is probably for the best.
