Thuper Crown

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Thuper Crown
Teams Involved

Sand City Sidewinders logo

Sand City Sidewinders

Seaside Swashbucklers logo

Seaside Swashbucklers
League Info
League Monterey Bay League
Division Low Division
Arcana Death (XIII)
Title Child of the Great Transformers
Mood furious anger
Template:Infobox crown   •   edit

The Thuper Crown was a rivalry between the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders and the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers . Due to the close vicinity of Seaside and Sand City, the teams drew from the same fanbase, which led to early territory conflicts. Several incidents during Season 1 led to further intensification of the rivalry. The Golly Commissioner declared the situation unsustainable, and promised to incinerate the lesser-performing member of the rivalry.

In Pseudo/Season 20 the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers were incinerated on short notice, ending the rivalry and making the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders the first team in Golly to ever win a rivalry by incineration.

Overall Results

Thuper Crown: Overall Results
  SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers Winner
Total Crowns 10 7 Sand City Sidewinders
Total Wins 18 13 Sand City Sidewinders
Total Points 1,637 1,501 Sand City Sidewinders
Postseason Crowns 1 1 TIE
Postseason Wins 3 5 Seaside Swashbucklers
Postseason Points 379 420 Seaside Swashbucklers


Thuper Crown in the Pseudo Cup

Rivalry in Pseudo Cup Season 1

Soon after the Pseudo Cup had been first announced, but prior to Pseudo/Season 1, teams began to develop their fan base and construct their stadiums. However, the close proximity of Sand City and Seaside meant that the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders and SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers had many territory conflicts.

Conflicts began with location selection. Both teams needed to secure a location for their stadium, so both teams went to a sketchy lawyer who drew up paperwork for a shell corporation that would provide laundering services that would generate cashflow to pay for the property. However, both teams went to the same sketchy lawyer, who sold both teams the same location for their stadium. The two teams started a huge fistfight in the parking lot of the lawyer's office. There were also several incidents of billboard graffiti transforming advertisements for the Sidewinders or Swashbucklers into something more humiliating or shocking.

Once Pseudo/Season 1 began, things got worse. Games regularly devolved into fistfights, both on the grid and outside in the parking lot. On several occasions the Swashbucklers and Sidewinders had matches with different teams at the same time, double-booking the stadium. The teams resolved these conflicts through fistfights. By the end of the first season, the Sidewinders had bested the Swashbucklers in the first season, and made it to the first round of the playoffs, but both teams were badly bruised.

Deal With The Devil

In what would come to be known as the Deal with the Devil (technically a misnomer, since it was an ultimatum rather than a deal that was made), the Golly Commissioner (the metaphorical Devil) declared that the territorial conflict between the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders and the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers had to be solved using drastic measures. The Commissioner had decided that one of the teams would be permitted to stay in the league, and one of the teams would disappear forever, incinerated into ash and blown into the sea by the wind. Which team stayed and which team was incinerated would depend on the teams' performance.

Pseudo/Season 20 was given as the date of the decision.

Swashbucklers Do Badly

The SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers had been deeply shamed by their Pseudo/Season 1 performance, which affected their performance in the seasons that followed. Throughout the Pseudo Cup, the Seaside Swashbucklers performed poorly, often performing their worst when the Sidewinders beat them. They became known as the punching bag of the Monterey League.

Over the course of 20 seasons, the Swashbucklers were one of the least remarkable teams in the Peninsula League. They found themselves at the bottom of nearly every records list, consistently behind the Sidewinders.

Swashbucklers are Incinerated

In Pseudo/Season 20, the SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders once again shamed the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers on the Golly grid. In a declaration that coincided with the new Dragon Cup and Rainbow Cup, the Golly Commissioner announced that the SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers would be incinerated and replaced with the PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists .

The incineration was set to take place in the stadium, with the team surrounded by their fans, giving them a final, tearful farewell. However, the night before the incineration was set to take place, the Golly Commissioner inadvertently placed the incineration button in a back pocket, and then sat down on it, incinerating the Swashbucklers team during a farewell pizza party with close family members.

Impact of Thuper Crown

Many critics point to the incineration of the Swashbucklers as a watershed moment for Peninsula League teams, who up until that point had thought of themselves as comfortably existing ad infinitum. It led to a realization among all teams that each of them were not only mortal and malleable, but subject to the whims of the Golly Commissioner. The Golly Commissioner received many gift baskets in the days following the Swashbucklers' incineration.

Season by Season Results

Pseudo Cup

SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders vs. SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers
Pseudo Cup Regular Season Meetings
Season Wins Points Crown Winner
S2  SCS.png  2 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  129 - 54  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S3  SCS.png  1 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  40 - 39  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S4  SCS.png  0 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  61 - 85  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S6  SCS.png  0 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  76 - 80  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S7  SCS.png  2 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  112 - 91  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S8  SCS.png  1 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  89 - 127  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S10  SCS.png  0 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  27 - 56  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S11  SCS.png  1 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  62 - 51  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S12  SCS.png  2 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  120 - 45  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S13  SCS.png  1 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  40 - 34  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S15  SCS.png  2 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  142 - 93  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S17  SCS.png  1 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  128 - 64  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S18  SCS.png  0 - 1  SSS.png   SCS.png  47 - 77  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S19  SCS.png  1 - 2  SSS.png   SCS.png  114 - 154  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
S20  SCS.png  1 - 0  SSS.png   SCS.png  71 - 31  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders

SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders vs. SSS.png Seaside Swashbucklers
Pseudo Cup Postseason Meetings
Season Postseason Wins Postseason Points Postseason Crown Winner
S9  SCS.png  3 - 2  SSS.png   SCS.png  284 - 186  SSS.png  Sand City Sidewinders
S16  SCS.png  0 - 3  SSS.png   SCS.png  95 - 234  SSS.png  Seaside Swashbucklers
