Grape Chews Blow Their Last Chance

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In Toroidal/Season 17 the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews and MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos met in the Hot League Championship Series, while the TB.png Tucson Butchers faced the Cold League Choke Artists the BTX.png Baltimore Texas in the Cold League Championship Series, meaning the winner of the Hot League series would definitely face the Butchers - the third leg of the Midwest Love Triangle.

Prior to the Hot League Championship Series, the Flamingos made a deal with the Grape Chews. If the Grape Chews could win the Season 17 Hot League Championship Series, and then win the Toroidal Cup series against the Butchers, the Flamingos would agree to resurrect the Midwest Crown rivalry, abandon their romance with the Butchers, and go back to the way things were in the early seasons of the Hellmouth Cup to give things another shot. If the Grape Chews lost the series, or the Toroidal Cup series, the Flamingos and Grape Chews would mutually agree to close the book on the Midwest Crown and retire the rivalry forever.

The Grape Chews agreed. The Grape Chews and Flamingos tied up the series at 2 games apiece. And then, the Grape Chews choked in a critical Game 5.

In Game 5 ToroidalCup.png f69096d2-d073-4be2-8b7f-9f105667cbb4, arguably the most important and defining game of the entire Detroit Grape Chews franchise, the Grape Chews started off weak, and only got weaker, until they were completely overrun by the Flamingos. It was a characteristic choke under maximum pressure.

The Grape Chews would later repeatedly refer to this game as "The Breakup," including several attempts to bring up Game 5 out of nowhere when talking to the Flamingos and then casually dropping "The Breakup" nickname, but the Flamingos ignored the nickname, and the rest of the league followed suit and also ignored it.