User:Ch4zm/December 2021/Lore Fragments
Pattern for Lore
Instead of re-typing and re-describing the same things over and over, write the text once in a template, and include across all relevant pages.
Example: {{PianoTunersHackingScandalFragment}} can be included on the relevant Toroidal Cup page, the FWPT team page, the SAC team page, a page that lists scandals/controversies, etc.
Procedure for Writing Lore Fragments
- Narratives are linking teams together, generally
- Write the narrative out on respective team's page, or in a new page, or whatever. Just write.
- Once it's roughly done, split the whole thing into lore fragments
- Maintain a master list of lore fragments
- Once finished turning into templates, go through list and include templates on any other relevant pages
Each lore fragment is tagged with this category:
Furthermore, tagged with a cup-specific lore category:
Last, tag with specific details:
All included at the end between "noinclude" tags...
Lore fragments organized by topic in sections below
Midwest Love Triangle Lore Fragments
Lore fragments for the Midwest Crown and the Midwest Love Triangle:
- {{MidwestCrownHellmouthFragment}} - milf loses interest in det
- {{SnowbirdSeriesFragment}} - season 9 snowbird series
- {{ValentinesDayFragment}} - season 10 valentines day series
- {{ValentinesDayGrapeChewsFragment}} - effect of valentines day series on grape chews
- {{MidwestLoveTriangleHellmouthFragment}} - love triangle forms after season 10
- {{DynastyDetroitBuiltFragment}} - toroidal cup milf 3 pennant wins against detroit
- {{GrapeChewsChokeArtistsToroidalFragment}} - psychoanalysis
- {{GrapeChewsBlowTheirLastChanceFragment}} - season 17 if you win it you get one more shot
- {{ChampionshipButchersGaveAwayFragment}} - season 17 butchers v flamingos, weak spot, butchers gave it away
- {{FlamingosButchersInvestigationFragment}} - investigation into second flawless dynasty, scrutiny of the dynasty, possible fixing scandal
- {{FlamingosButchersShotgunMarriageFragment}} - shotgun marriage for legal protection
- {{FlamingosButchersMarriagePublicFragment}} - public announcement, shock, end of investigation, success
- {{ChewsToBeFragment}} - chews to be or not to be
Piano Tuners Hacking Scandal Fragments
Sacramento Boot Lickers Fragments
- {{BootLickersSeason4BankruptcySummaryFragment}}
- {{BootLickersSeason21ThankYouCardFragment}}
- mumbo jumbo self help
- aren't you interested in the path to spiritual clarity and personal freedom
Season 4/Sacramento Boot Lickers Bankruptcy
Piano Tuners Fragments
- fragmentize
Boat Shoes Fragments
Highwire Crown
Jersey Lore Fragments
- {{JerseyCourageFragment}} - Jersey Courage
- {{JerseyLegalTeamFragment}}
- {{JerseySneakersAntiRivalryFragment}}
- {{LavishStadiumFragment}}
- {{JerseyPersonsOfNoteFragment}}
- {{WheelsShamedByOSHAFragment}}
- {{OSHARainbowSeason1ChampionshipFragment}}
- {{CurseOfTheSillyGoatFragment}}
- could further split...
Seattle Lore Fragments
- {{SeattleCourageFragment}} - Seattle Courage (having courage when you really, really shouldn't)
- {{SneakersCoolestFragment}}
- {{SneakersLoveHeightsFragment}}
JerseySneakersExtremeSplortsFragment- {{SneakersPlanewalkersFragment}}
- {{SneakersWheelsAstralFragment}}
Private Eye Crown Fragments
Thuper Crown Fragments
- {{ThuperPseudoSeason1Fragment}}
- {{ThuperDealWithTheDevilFragment}}
- {{ThuperSwashbucklersPoorPerformanceFragment}}
- {{ThuperSwashbucklersIncinerationFragment}}
Forty Niner Crown Fragments
- {{FortyNinerCrownDescriptionFragment}}
- {{FortyNinerCrownPseudoPreSeason1Fragment}}
- {{FortyNinerCrownNicknameFragment}}
- {{FortyNinerCrownPseudoSeason3LCSFragment}}
- {{FortyNinerCrownAcousticStudyFragment}}
Dragon Cup Cup Lore Fragments
Hayward Pipelines Fragments
Santa Cruz Bananas Fragments
- {{BananasTheBlackeningFragment}}
- {{BananasCurseOfTheseusFragment}}
- {{BananasFirstBlackeningFragment}}
- {{BananasEmergencyHorticulturalistFragment}}
- {{BananasChokeArtistsFragment}}
- {{BananasBreakingCurseOfTheseusFragment}}
- {{BananasSwashbucklersShamefulSweepFragment}}
Vallejo Barnstormers Fragments
Cowardice Crown
Moss Landing Daredevils
Davenport Cliff Divers
- {{DavenportCowardiceFragment}}
- {{DaredevilsCowardiceFragment}}
- {{DavenportDaredevilsCowardiceFragment}}
Cliff Divers
Sneakers and Wheels
Seattle Sneakers
Mobile Wheels
LIL rivalry - artifact - disappearing X
Pope, Kolmogorov, subgrid (off the grid) living
Orlando Business Majors
Hellmouth Cup season by season summary review: long string of disappointments, similar to Grape Chews