Klein Cup/Teams

From Golly.Life Wiki

This page lists the chronology of teams in the Klein Cup.

Season 1-Season 24

The Golly league in the Klein Cup largely reverted to the Toroidal Cup and Hellmouth Cup divisions and leagues, but retaining a few expansion teams: FF.png Phoenix Freshrolls aand VV.png Vegas Vampires .

One of the most significant rearrangements occurred as a result of the SFBS.png San Francisco Boat Shoes dealing a stinging blow to their bitter Cali Crown rivals, the SAC.png Sacramento Boot Lickers , in the final season of the Rainbow Cup. The SAC.png Sacramento Boot Lickers declared that they needed to take a break from the Cali Crown and "get their headspace right".

The Klein Cup also saw a geographic consolidation - in a coordinated swap, several west coast teams moved to Cold Water, while several east coast teams moved to Hot Water.

Cold Fire Division Cold Water Division Hot Fire Division Hot Water Division

