Toroidal Cup/Teams

From Golly.Life Wiki

This page lists the chronology of teams in the Toroidal Cup.

Season 1-Season 20

The Golly league stayed as it was at the end of the Hellmouth Cup until Season 20. Each of the two divisions in two leagues had 5 teams, for a total of 20 teams.

Cold Fire Division Cold Water Division Hot Fire Division Hot Water Division

Season 21-Season 24

At the conclusion of Season 20, the BTX.png Baltimore Texas were incinerated per the Cancel Texas Memo. The FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners , their bitter Texas Crown rivals, were humiliated by being forced to adopt the hometown and team colors of their bitter rivals, becoming the BPT.png Baltimore Piano Tuners .

The vacancy in the Cold Water Division left by the FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners was filled by the LIL.png Louisville Illusionists .

In the Hot Fire Division, the DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells had to drop out of the league due to a flurry of litigation. They were replaced by the VV.png Vegas Vampires , an expansion team of definitely-not-vampires.

Cold Fire Division Cold Water Division Hot Fire Division Hot Water Division

