Delaware Corporate Shells

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Delaware Corporate Shells
Delaware Corporate Shells logo
"By comprehending the contents of this slogan the Viewer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend unto death the Delaware Corporate Shells from and against any loss, damage, claims, or lawsuits, including attorneys' fees, arising or resulting from use or distribution of its existence. Violators will be prosecuted."
Team Information
Name Delaware Corporate Shells
Primary Color #e7a0e8
Logo  DECO.png 
Abbreviation DECO
Nickname The Shells
Hometown Wilmington, DE
Stadium The Lux
Emoji 🏒
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Integer 1,000,000
Movie Boiler Room
Element Earth
Power Word Sketchy
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells (formerly known as the DECOOLD.png Delaware Corporate Shells ) are a Golly team from the state of Delaware.

The origin of the team traces back to an accounting error at a bank: an anonymous customer who was supposed to receive a $200 refund actually received a $1.7 trillion refund. The bank immediately went out of business and could not hire enough lawyers to get the money back. The anonymous individual decided to use their windfall to bankroll an entire cellular automata splorts team, resulting in the creation of the Delaware Corporate Shells.

The Corporate Shells home stadium, called The Lux, consisting of several giant walls of expensive high-end luxury suites, which typically sit empty during games. Ticket prices for Delware Corporate Shells games typically run 100,000-400,000 times more than tickets for any other Golly team. The Delaware Corporate Shells would like to remind you that no accounts or descriptions of any game in the Delaware Corporate Shells home stadium may be televised, retransmitted, or rebroadcast, in full or in part, without the express written consent of the entire executive board of the Delaware Corporate Shells, which will never happen.

Shells in the Toroidal Cup

In Toroidal/Season 21 the DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells were suspended from the league pending ongoing litigation related to the Cancel Texas Memo. They were replaced by the VV.png Vegas Vampires .

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells .

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Hellmouth Cup

HellmouthSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{HellmouthRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

  • In Season 1 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #3 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 7 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #3 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 10 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #1 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 15 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #2 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 16 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #1 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 19 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #1 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 23 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #3 seed in the Hot League.
  • In Season 24 the Delaware Corporate Shells were the #4 seed in the Hot League.

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Toroidal Cup

ToroidalSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{ToroidalRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Rainbow Cup

RainbowSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{RainbowRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Klein Cup

KleinSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{KleinRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Hellmouth II Cup

HellmouthIISeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Hellmouth III Cup

HellmouthIIISeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{HellmouthIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Hellmouth IV Cup

HellmouthIVSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}

Delaware Corporate Shells in the Hellmouth V Cup

HellmouthVSeasonsQuantileGraph DECO.png

{{HellmouthVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron DECO}}


Corporate Headquarters

As with most shell companies, the buck has to stop at an office building in Delaware, and the Corporate Shells are no different in this regard. The following promotional poster features an Artists Union rendering of the DECO corporate headquarters.

The corporate headquarters are in fact a hologram. The actual headquarters are located in the basement of the adjacent parking garage structure, with the roof of the parking garage housing the hologram projector. Since fictitious company fronts do not arouse the least amount of suspicion in the state of Delaware, the hologram of the corporate headquarters has never been questioned.

Deco Headquarters.png

Cup Posters

Season7 HellmouthCup Poster.png

Season15 HellmouthCup Poster.png

ToroidalSeason1 Poster.png

ToroidalSeason14 Poster.png
