Fargo Flea Flickers

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Fargo Flea Flickers
Fargo Flea Flickers logo
Team Information
Name Fargo Flea Flickers
Primary Color #daed20
Logo  FFF.png 
Abbreviation FFF
Nickname The Flickers
Hometown Fargo, ND
Emoji 🏈
Status Active
Rivalry Crowns
Integer 9
Movie Fargo
Element Fire
Power Word Sneaky
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers are a Golly team from Fargo, North Dakota. The Flea Flickers were formerly an amateur football team, and often adopt football tactics for Golly grids, although no one really knows what that means. The Flea Flickers are known for their sly tactics and secret trick plays.

Team Character

Flea Flickers in the Rainbow Cup

Early Success

As one of the babies of the Rainbow Cup leage, the FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers became instant fan favorites and permanent darlings of the Rainbow Cup very quickly. They finished at the top of the league in Rainbow/Season 1, earning a proverbial silver spoon, and they quickly followed up with a Rainbow Cup series win in Rainbow/Season 2. Attempts by the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews to create a rivalry in the form of the Midwest II Crown continually fell flat and served as a constant annoyance to the Flea Flickers throughout the Rainbow Cup, but due to the Chews' tendency to start fist fights over small issues, the Flea Flickers never brought it up.

Midwest II Crown and Rivalry with Fargo Flea Flickers

Main: Midwest II Crown

In Toroidal/Season 17, the MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos issued a final ultimatum to the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews , putting the fate of the Midwest Crown on the line. The Grape Chews blew their last chance and the Midwest Crown was canceled. The Flamingos faced the Butchers in the Toroidal Cup, and at the end of the season they eloped in Las Vegas, leaving the DET.png Detroit Grape Chews rudderless, without the rivalry they had built their team identity around, and at an elevated risk of spontaneous incineration.

The Chews were intent on finding a replacement rivalry to help them get over the Flamingos. They learned the FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers would be joining Golly for the Rainbow Cup, so they began to make plans for a new Midwest II Crown with the Flea Flickers. However, while the Grape Chews rebuilt their entire team identity and marketing strategy and branding material around the new Midwest II Crown rivalry, the Flea Flickers were indifferent to the idea, insisting they were "conflict averse" and didn't want to "get hung up on conflict" - concepts that were completely foreign to the Grape Chews.

In order to avoid conflict with the Grape Chews, who love to start fist fights, the Flea Flickers continue to play along and participate in the Crown each year, but enthusiasm for the Midwest II Crown continues to be entirely one-sided.

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers .

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Rainbow Cup

RainbowSeasonsQuantileGraph FFF.png

{{RainbowRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Klein Cup

KleinSeasonsQuantileGraph FFF.png

{{KleinRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Hellmouth II Cup

HellmouthIISeasonsQuantileGraph FFF.png

{{HellmouthIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Hellmouth III Cup

HellmouthIIISeasonsQuantileGraph FFF.png

{{HellmouthIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Hellmouth IV Cup

HellmouthIVSeasonsQuantileGraph FFF.png

{{HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}

Fargo Flea Flickers in the Hellmouth V Cup


{{HellmouthVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron FFF}}


Logo and Branding

Cup Posters
