Baltimore Texas

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(Redirected from Baltimore Texas II)

Related: BPT.png Baltimore Piano Tuners

Baltimore Texas
Baltimore Texas logo
"Austin, Maryland!"
Team Information
Name Baltimore Texas
Primary Color #3e92cc
Secondary Color #ffffff
Logo  BTX.png 
Abbreviation BTX
Hometown Baltimore, MD
Stadium The Alamo (Lord Baltimore Theater)
Emoji ⭐️
Status Incinerated Reincarnated as BTX2.png Baltimore Texas II
Rivalry Crowns
Integer 13
Movie Texas
Element Water
Power Word choke
Dum spiro despero
(While I breathe, I despair)
Template:Infobox team   •   edit

The BTX.png Baltimore Texas are were are a Golly team from Baltimore, Maryland. The Baltimore Texas were known as The Cold League Choke Artists due to their numerous appearances in the postseason, without any appearances in the Hellmouth Cup. Their Hot League counterparts were the Detroit Grape Chews.

The BTX.png Baltimore Texas were incinerated at the end of Toroidal/Season 20 as part of the Cancel Texas Memo. On October 10, 2021, shortly after the Toroidal/Season 20 postseason had ended, a planned incineration ceremony for the Baltimore Texas was cut short when the Commissioner accidentally sat on the incineration button and incinerated the Texas before the ceremony began. Following the event, the Commissioner established Ten Ten, an annual holiday for teams that have not yet been incinerated to celebrate being un-incinerated.

The Baltimore Texas were reincarnated and reinstated as the Baltimore Texas II for the Hellmouth III Cup. The entire city of Baltimore breathed a collective sigh of relief when the much-reviled and widely-despised BPT.png Baltimore Piano Tuners (composed of humiliated members of the former hated rivals FWPT.png Ft. Worth Piano Tuners ) were incinerated.

Team Character

Texas in the Hellmouth Cup

Texas in the Toroidal Cup

Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for BTX.png Baltimore Texas .

Baltimore Texas in the Hellmouth Cup

HellmouthSeasonsQuantileGraph BTX.png

{{HellmouthRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BTX}}

Baltimore Texas in the Toroidal Cup

ToroidalSeasonsQuantileGraph BTX.png

{{ToroidalRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BTX}}

Post-Reincarnation Season by Season Summary

Season-by-Season Summaries for BTX2.png Baltimore Texas II .

Baltimore Texas II in the Hellmouth III Cup

HellmouthIIISeasonsQuantileGraph BTX2.png

{{HellmouthIIIRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BTX2}}

Baltimore Texas II in the Hellmouth IV Cup

HellmouthIVSeasonsQuantileGraph BTX2.png

{{HellmouthIVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BTX2}}

Baltimore Texas II in the Hellmouth V Cup


{{HellmouthVRankList SeasonAllTime Chron BTX2}}


While the team does not have an official logo, Baltimore Texas fans will claim (usually loudly) that anything with a five-pointed star attached to it or painted on it is an explicit endorsement of the Baltimore Texas - unless proven otherwise.

This map of Baltimore is sometimes used as a stand-in for a logo:

BTX BaltimoreBay.jpg

Cup Posters

The Baltimore Texas were the Cold League Choke Artists, meaning they never made it to a Cup series, meaning they never made it onto a cup poster.
