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A dynasty is a team that has won three championships in a single Cup series. (See Category:Dynasty.)

A flawless dynasty is a team that has won three championships in three attempts (undefeated). (See Category:Flawless Dynasty.)

A legendary dynasty is a team that has won three championships in three straight seasons. (See Category:Legendary Dynasty.)

Hellmouth Cup

Dynasties established during the Hellmouth Cup:

Main: Dynasty/SFBS/Hellmouth

The SFBS.png San Francisco Boat Shoes established the first Hellmouth Cup Flawless Dynasty in Season 12 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/MILF/Hellmouth

The MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos established a Hellmouth Cup Flawless Dynasty in Season 13 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/ORL/Hellmouth

The ORL.png Orlando Business Majors established a Hellmouth Cup Flawless Dynasty in Season 22 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/SFBS/Hellmouth/2

The SFBS.png San Francisco Boat Shoes established a second Hellmouth Cup Flawless Dynasty in Season 24 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Hellmouth Cup

Pseudo Cup

Dynasties established during the Pseudo Cup:

Main: Dynasty/HP/Pseudo

The HP.png Hayward Pipelines established the first Pseudo Cup Flawless Dynasty in Pseudo/Season 9 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/MVM/Pseudo

The MVM.png Mountain View Miners established a Pseudo Cup Flawless Dynasty in Pseudo/Season 10 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/DCD/Pseudo

The DCD.png Davenport Cliff Divers established a Pseudo Cup Flawless Dynasty in Pseudo/Season 23 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Pseudo Cup

Toroidal Cup

Dynasties established during the Toroidal Cup:

Main: Dynasty/MILF/Toroidal

The MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos established a Toroidal Cup Flawless Dynasty in Toroidal/Season 17 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/ABQ/Toroidal

The ABQ.png Albuquerque Solarpunks established a Toroidal Cup Flawless Dynasty in Toroidal/Season 23 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Toroidal Cup

Dragon Cup

Dynasties established during the Dragon Cup:

Main: Dynasty/SGSC/Dragon

The SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs established a Dragon Cup Flawless Dynasty in Dragon/Season 11 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/SCS/Dragon

The SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders established a Dragon Cup Flawless Dynasty in Dragon/Season 17 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/DCD/Dragon

The DCD.png Davenport Cliff Divers established a Dragon Cup Flawless Dynasty in Dragon/Season 19 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Dragon Cup

Rainbow Cup

Dynasties established during the Rainbow Cup:

Main: Dynasty/SGE/Rainbow

The SGE.png Sugar Grove Eavesdroppers established a Rainbow Cup Dynasty in Rainbow/Season 19 with their third championship in four attempts:

Main: Dynasty/GJC/Rainbow

The GJC.png Grand Junction Conjunctions established a Rainbow Cup Dynasty in Rainbow/Season 23 with their third championship in five attempts:


Main: Rainbow Cup

Star Cup

Dynasties established during the Star Cup:

Main: Dynasty/RS/Star

The RS.png Richmond Slicks established a Star Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star/Season 8 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/AI/Star

The AI.png Aptos Investigators established a Star Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star/Season 10 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/SCS/Star

The SCS.png Sand City Sidewinders established a Star Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star/Season 16 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/PGM/Star

The PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists established a Star Cup Dynasty in Star/Season 21 with their third championship in four attempts:


Main: Star Cup

Klein Cup

Dynasties established during the Klein Cup:

Main: Dynasty/DECO/Klein

The DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells established a Klein Cup Flawless Dynasty in Klein/Season 16 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/OSHA/Klein

The OSHA.png Jersey OSHA Violations established a Klein Cup Flawless Dynasty in Klein/Season 21 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/TB/Klein

The TB.png Tucson Butchers established a Klein Cup Dynasty in Klein/Season 22 with their third championship in four attempts:

Main: Dynasty/MILF/Klein

The MILF.png Milwaukee Flamingos established a Klein Cup Dynasty in Klein/Season 23 with their third championship in four attempts:


Main: Klein Cup

Hellmouth II Cup

Dynasties established during the Hellmouth II Cup:

Main: Dynasty/ABQ/Hellmouth II

The ABQ.png Albuquerque Solarpunks established a Hellmouth II Cup Flawless Dynasty in Hellmouth II/Season 14 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/TB/Hellmouth II

The TB.png Tucson Butchers established a Hellmouth II Cup Dynasty in Hellmouth II/Season 17 with their third championship in four attempts:

Main: Dynasty/FFF/Hellmouth II

The FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers established a Hellmouth II Cup Flawless Dynasty in Hellmouth II/Season 24 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Hellmouth II Cup

Star II Cup

Dynasties established during the Star II Cup:

Main: Dynasty/SGSC/Star II

The SGSC.png San Gregorio Sand Crabs established a Star II Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star II/Season 13 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/HP/Star II

The HP.png Hayward Pipelines established a Star II Cup Dynasty in Star II/Season 13 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Star II Cup

Hellmouth III Cup

Dynasties established during the Hellmouth III Cup:

Main: Dynasty/ABQ/Hellmouth III

The ABQ.png Albuquerque Solarpunks established a Hellmouth III Cup Flawless Dynasty in Hellmouth III/Season 9 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/DECO/Hellmouth III

The DECO.png Delaware Corporate Shells established a Hellmouth III Cup Dynasty in Hellmouth III/Season 17 with their third championship in four attempts:

Main: Dynasty/FFF/Hellmouth III

The FFF.png Fargo Flea Flickers established a Hellmouth III Cup Dynasty in Hellmouth III/Season 22 with their third championship in four attempts:


Main: Hellmouth III Cup

Star III Cup

Dynasties established during the Star III Cup:

Main: Dynasty/OB/Star III

The OB.png Oakland Bees established a Star III Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star III/Season 15 with their third championship in three attempts:

Main: Dynasty/PGM/Star II

The PGM.png Pacific Grove Monarchists established a Star III Cup Flawless Dynasty in Star III/Season 21 with their third championship in three attempts:


Main: Star III Cup

Hellmouth IV Cup

Dynasties established during the Hellmouth IV Cup:


Main: Hellmouth IV Cup

Star IV Cup

Dynasties established during the Star IV Cup:


Main: Star IV Cup